Karla Murthy, whose latest documentary, Love, Jamie, is now streaming on PBS American Masters, on where she finds creative inspiration.

A Houston Artist’s Career Took Off While She Was Imprisoned. Now Free, She’s Learning to Paint Again”

“Murthy’s film depicts the soul of an artist who retains dignity and love for herself and others in an environment that is designed to break the human spirit. It’s one of the best short documentaries I’ve seen.”

“Trans Artist Jamie Diaz Spent Nearly 30 Years Incarcerated in Men’s Prison. How Her Story Inspired New Doc”

“This film to me is about dignity,” says Murthy, “that yearning for connection and for understanding, to have someone that you can talk to. I think everyone can relate to that feeling of wanting acceptance and love.


“Karla Murthy’s film feels like a miracle..”

“Love, Jamie” Review

“…a beautiful and inspiring snapshot of a friendship born through prose, conversation and art that celebrates strength, transformation, pride and artistic freedom.”

Outfest Award-Winning “Love, Jamie” Paints A Picture of Trans Liberation

“a profound, short documentary by Emmy-nominated director Karla Murthy”


“I would encourage women to be who they are, true to themselves, true to their vision, trust their instincts as women, and to know that there are many paths to make the film that you want to make.”

marketplace morning report - interview with Karla Murthy “the radical act of staying in youngstown”

“I’m the daughter of immigrants. My father’s from India, he was a homeless street kid, and my mother came from the Philippines to work as a nurse. And I don’t have that same connection to home…”

MOVIEMAKER MAGAZINE - How “The Place That Makes Us” Avoided Ruin Porn and Embraced Change

“she wanted to focus on the people who are rebuilding it, not exploit its devastation.”

TALKHOUSE MAGAZINE - “Finding Home” an essay by Karla Murthy

First-time documentarian Karla Murthy ponders what home means to her.

film school radio - podcast interview

“Director Karla Murthy joins us to talk about how she crafted a hopeful meditation on the meaning of the American dream today.”

THE ENTERPRISE “In Defense of the Documentary”

“ ‘Yeah, certain documentaries are boring,’ Murthy said. ‘Then again, so are certain Marvel movies. These days, documentary makers are doing some incredibly exciting boundary-pushing work, stuff that’ll take your breath away. If you like risk, watch more docs.’”


“‘I’ve gotten lots of feedback from people in Ohio,’ ‘And that’s really exciting because none of those people would have been able to come to New York to the festival.’”

FAST BREAK - Fast Company Podcast

Director Karla Murthy and Executive Producer Jad Abumrad are interviewed about making the film together and their long time creative collaboration.

ALL OF IT - WNYC RADIO “DOC NYC: The Place That Makes Us”

The documentary's director, Karla Murthy, joins us to discuss the film, part of the line-up of the documentary film festival, DOC NYC.

THE BUSINESS JOURNAL “Documentary Shows a Youngstown That Wants to Improve”

“Murthy takes a measured and respectful pace, allowing the camera to linger on scenes and people, so viewers can gain understanding and draw their own conclusions.”

WBUR “Four Documentaries to Watch at the Woods Hole Film Festival”

“with haunting footage… the film is a powerful and enlightening look at local activism and how change can happen — one house at a time.”